From Sea to Shining Sea – Almost

Coherent Math was represented in November at two amazing state math conferences – CMC-South in Palm Springs, CA and NCCTM in Winston-Salem, NC. At both conferences, we were able to share how the curriculum we’ve created is student-centered, standards-aligned, and personalized to meet the districts’ mission and values. It was great to catch up with so many new and old colleagues and showcase our work at our very first booth! A few realizations at our booth in NC:

  • We should have had a sign that said “FREE Access to NCMath 1 Materials!” Folx couldn’t believe it when we told them. #thankyouCMS
  • Student/intern teachers love free stuff and are so eager and hopeful. It is lovely and so promising! #thefutureisbright
  • Teachers love the look of our teacher workbooks and that they can write in them. As many shared with us, digital is great – but they want to work out the problems, annotate the lessons, and reflect directly in the materials. #dothemath
  • NC HS math teachers are writing, collecting, and piecemealing their curriculum together every day. Providing them with a solution to their problem was exciting and humbling. One relatively new teacher was nearly in tears when she learned there was an option out there for her. #wegotyou
  • There are a lot of people and organizations (this is from both conferences) that are doing amazing work to help all students be the best math learners and doers they can be. We are happy to be one small part of this amazing math educator community. #mathrules