Mastery Charter Schools
Mastery Charter Schools contracted with Coherent Math Consulting, LLC to write and produce a math curriculum for grades 5-8 that provides just-in-time support for students who show evidence of needing additional foundational math opportunities to access grade-level content. The Foundations curriculum aligns to CCSS, builds off of the Engage NY curriculum, and elevates the mission and values of teaching and learning mathematics at Mastery Charter Schools.
Foundations Math Grades 5-8

Built from the widely respected Engage NY/Eureka curriculum with revisions and modifications to lessons and units with an unapologetic focus on major work of the grade as well as being viable for a one-year course.

Newly created ”practice and application lessons” throughout the units for students to pause and practice the skills and understandings from previous lessons.

Targeted math talks and fluency practice that encourage flexibility, reasoning, precision, and student discourse.
“Barbara is a delight to work with and cares deeply about students and equity. After a comprehensive math diagnostic review stemming from a new network-wide strategy to improve math results at Mastery Charter Schools, Barbara worked collaboratively with the math team to develop a program designed to address unfinished learning with our middle school students. Barbara led the writing of this comprehensive full curriculum for grades 5-8 enhanced from Engage NY/Eureka, highlighted in the Fordham Institute’s blog post.”
JESSICA VAREVICE, Chief Academic Officer